Saturday, February 18, 2017






In our history, this two brilliant man is our national hero in the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio. They are both strong and always ready to fight for our beloved country. They are both fighting for the freedom of Filipinos and also for our country from the hands of the Spaniards or Spanish Tyranny, but the two heroes are not the same ways or strategies to fight the Spaniards especially, Jose Rizal. The way he fight the Spaniards using his brilliant mind and talent on writing because on that way he can express his feelings from suffering to the hands of the Spaniards. He wrote these two novel ‘’Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo’’, because of his talent and love for our fatherland, Rizal stand brave to fight for our freedom. He sacrifices his life in order to save his countrymen for suffering from the Spanish Tyranny. He use pen and paper to fight with the Spaniards than using swords because he believed that ‘’Pen is mightier than the sword’’.


On the other hand, Andres Bonifacio, he is a brave man. He wants a bloodshed or killing people to war fight for the Spaniards. He really wants to give justice for his countryman that sacrifices their lives just to fight for their country. Andres Bonifacio was also a member of La Liga Filipina; although he soon lost hope in gaining reforms though peaceful means. This feeling was especially heightened when Jose Rizal was exiled to Dapitan. Bonifacio became convinced that the only way the Philippines could gain independence was through a revolution. The father of ‘’Katastaasang Kagalanggalangang Katipuanan ng mga Anak ng Bayan” (KKK) on July 7, 1892. He is the one ho finish the tyranny of the Spaniards to our fellowmen. Andres Bonifacio fights for our fatherland even though he fights it in a bad way but in order to achieve our freedom he never regret what he did for his countrymen. Even though there are a lot of Filipinos died during the bloodshed fight of Andres Bonifacio from the Spaniards at least they succeeded. Andres Bonifacio finishes tyranny of Spaniards, that’s why we became free from the Spaniards. Rizal attack the Spaniards in slowly way than Andres in a bloodshed way. Even though they have different ways to fight from the Spaniards but they have the same perspective or goal to save our country from being slave in our own land. They are the reason why we are free and we commit freedom from the Spaniards, so we are really thankful because they save us and the future of our country.


''There can be no tyrants where there are no slaves.'' – Jose Rizal

''Justice is the foremost virtue of the civilizing races. It subdues the barbarous nations, while injustice arouses the weakest.'' – Jose Rizal

''No one ceases to be a man, no one forfeits his rights to civilization merely by being more or less uncultured, and since the Filipino is regarded as a fit citizen when he is asked to pay taxes or shed his blood to defend the fatherland, why must this fitness be denied him when the question arises of granting him some right?'' – Jose Rizal

''Ang unang kabanalan ay ang pagsunod sa matuwid, anuman ang mangyari.''  Jose Rizal (Ang Liham ni Dr. Jose Rizal sa mga Kadalagahan sa Malolos, Bulakan)

''Love your Country next to God, your honour, and most of all yourself.'' – Andres Bonifacio

''In the fury of your struggle, some of you might die in the midst of battle, but this is an honor that will be a legacy to our race and our progeny''. – Andres Bonifacio

There can be no tyrants where there are no slaves.
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There can be no tyrants where there are no slaves.
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There are several ways to start up a computer. The two most common are in normal mode and safe mode. Normal mode allows for everyday use, without restriction (save any restrictions you may have set up on your computer, such as parental or administrative controls and rules). Another mode in which to start a computer is safe mode. Safe mode is used for diagnosis purposes. When working in this mode, there is limited functionality, usually confined to programs and tools necessary to find and fix problems. The steps below outline how to start a computer in normal mode and in safe mode, detailing the different keystrokes necessary to start a PC and a Mac in safe mode. Safe mode can be launched with just 1 key for both PCs and Macintosh computers. Proper timing is necessary for successful startup in Safe Mode.

Starting Your Computer in Normal Mode: Plug in your computer and all peripherals. Peripherals include such items as your monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer, if you have one. In order to protect your computer, you should use a surge protector. Turn on the surge protector. Usually surge protectors feature a light that will glow when powered on. Press the power button on your computer or CPU (Central Processing Unit). These buttons can be recognized by the power symbol, a circle with a vertical line intersecting the top of it. Your computer will boot, and you can begin using it as desired. Starting Your PC in Safe Mode: Power on your computer as described in the steps describing how to start in Normal Mode. Press and hold the F8 key before Windows boots. This action will launch the boot menu. Select Safe Mode using your arrow keys. When Safe Mode is highlighted, press Enter. Starting Your Mac in Safe Mode: Press the power button to turn on your Mac. Hold down the Shift key after you hear the startup sound. Do not press the Shift key before your Mac plays this sound. Release the Shift key only when you see the Apple icon. This gray image is accompanied by a spinning wheel which indicates that the computer is processing.






In every year, people change as well as the technology. All the technologies nowadays become more updated, and easy to use. Can you imagine10 years from now, all technologies were really will be more updated and high-tech than now. Especially the gadgets, all ages were really interested and eager to have the latest smartphones that one’s company have been released. They are working hard or they save money just to buy the gadget that they want. Even though it is very expensive but it has a good quality. These following countries’ product produces a good quality smartphones that become trendy: The United States of America, Japan, and South Korea. These countries are known because they produce a good quality smartphones that attract the customers. People nowadays can’t live without these smartphones because they couldn’t easily access or updated in the social media, that’s why they can conclude that gadgets are very important in our generation today and also they are handy.


There are latest smartphones that will be releasing this year. The Apple: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus, Samsung Galaxy S8 plus, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, OPPO F1S and HUAWEI P10. The iPhone 8 has a major iPhone redesign planned for 2017, with a glass body and edge-to-edge OLED display that includes an integrated touch ID fingerprint sensor and front camera. Where the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be bigger, bolder, and the best Galaxy S smartphones yet, and based on what they’ve been learning so far, there’s a lot to get excited about. Samsung Galaxy Note 8, as a phablet or a smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer, we know that the Galaxy Note 8 will be having a big screen from the Note 8 onward. They’re all had 5.7 inch screens, so it seems Samsung has settled on that being the optimal size. It’s possible that it could get bigger especially as it’s rumored that the Samsung Galaxy S8 could grow to 6.2 inches. The OPPO F1S uses front beauty camera with 1/3.1 inch sensor, 3 F/2.0 apertures. This allows for more light to enter the camera and enhances its sensitivity. So you can take natural looking selfies even in low-light conditions. Then the last, the HUAWEI P10, it has a 5.5 inch screen, QHD resolution and curved screen. The screen is one of the few ways in which the HUAWEI P9 doesn’t quite feel like flagship. These are the latest smartphones that all people really wanted. The technology in our generation today really help us to make all our works easier and fast, that’s why we need to be thankful to our mighty God because he gave us all human being knowledge and wisdom to discover and produce a good products that can help us in our daily lives.