Saturday, February 18, 2017




Earthquake refers to the sudden violent movement of the earth’s crust. It creates waves called seismic waves. It often causes great destruction. There could be two causes and effects of earthquakes: Natural & Man-made Causes and Destructive & Constructive Effects.

The Natural causes - Tectonic Movement: This particularly happens when the continental plate collides or a hit with force when moving against the oceanic plate. The oceanic plate is overridden or overlap by the continental plate. By a process called subduction, jerky or characterized by abrupt stops and starts movements are caused along the inclined surface. Volcanic Activity: Earthquakes may also be caused by the movement of lava beneath the surface of the earth during volcanic activity. Dislocation of the Earth’s crust: Earthquakes may be caused by the dislocation of the crust beneath the surface of the Earth. Adjustment in inner Rock Beds: Earthquakes are also caused where is an adjustment between Sima (‘’Si’’lica + ‘’Ma’’gnesium = Sima) [i.e., beneath the ocean is formed by Silica and Magnesium] in the interior of the Earth’s Crust. This Earthquake may be called as a Plutonic Earthquake. Pressure of gases in the interior: The expansion and contraction or the process of becoming smaller of gases in the interior of the Earth sometimes causes a sudden shake on the Earth’s surface. Other Causes: Landslides and avalanches, denudation or the exposing or laying bare of rock by erosive processes of the landmasses and depositions of materials, and faulting and folding in the rock beds are responsible for causing minor earthquakes. About the Man-made causes - the impounding of large quantities of water behind dams disturbs the crustal balance and the shock waves through rocks set up by the underground testing of Atom bombs or Hydrogen bombs may be severe to cause earthquake.

Destructive Effects - Earthquake causes dismantling or taking a structure into pieces of buildings, bridge and other structures at or near epicenter. Rails are folded, underground wires broken. Fire breaks out inevitably in large towns. Earthquakes originate sea waves called Tsunamis. It results in the formation of cracks and fissures on the ground formation. It gives landslides and disturbs the isostatic equilibrium. Landslide due to earthquake may block valleys to form lakes. Constructive Effects - Sometimes the earthquakes cause formation of hot springs which are very useful to people. It submergence in coastal land, and result in formation of inlets or a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river, bays and gulfs which help to develop of fishing and shipping etc. and also emergence of costs and bring fertile shore out of water to give chance to develop crop production.

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